viestintäsuunnitelma fruit juice matters

The right communications plan for crushing 100% fruit juice myths – Fruit Juice Matters

Challenged by a distorted image

Anti-sugar sentiment is hurting the beverage industry’s business. The 100% fruit juice industry is suffering from a distorted image of 100% juices, which have no added sugar and have high vitamin content, among consumers and even some nutrition experts. The situation has become extreme particularly in Finland and could only be changed by building the right communications plan.


Our solution was created through strategic planning

In 2016, the European Fruit Juice Association AIJN, which is associated with our customer the Finnish Food and Drink Industries’ Federation (ETL), launched the Europe-wide, multi-annual Fruit Juice Matters communications campaign. Its purpose is to dismantle 100% fruit juice-related myths with the help of nutrition and health sector experts. The campaign is based on actions that are highly localised.

In the campaign, communications are focused on providing in-depth knowledge to the experts. High-quality materials, personal contacts and repeating the core message accompanied with scientific facts and in varying ways in different channels form the backbone of the campaign. Examples of actions and channels include expert panels, blogs and newsletters. Akvamariini’s strong experience in the sector is supported by a certified nutrition therapist.


A detailed communications plan and its implementation brought results

Our local and sector-related expertise makes the communications programme interesting, vibrant and extremely successful. We have reached an audience of thousands of Finnish experts through our own events that we have built specifically for the programme and general food and restaurant industry events.

Communications is regularly received by more than 500 key nutrition experts, and the topic has made numerous appearances in the media. We have successfully and measurably been able to influence opinions with facts.